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Slides -> github.com/DavidWells/advanced-markdown
Markdown is a universal doc format that is easy to write and easy to add to a version control system.
The basics of markdown can be found here & here. Super easy!
![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "image title")
This is the code you need to align images to the left:
<img align="left" width="100" height="100" src="https://picsum.photos/100/100">
This is the code you need to align images to the right:
<img align="right" width="100" height="100" src="https://picsum.photos/100/100">
<p align="center">
<img width="460" height="300" src="https://picsum.photos/460/300">
via comment
<img src="https://picsum.photos/100/100" >
<img src="https://picsum.photos/100/100" >
With hspace
property you can set horizontal (left and right) padding for an image
<img src="https://picsum.photos/100/100" hspace="10" >
<img src="https://picsum.photos/100/100" hspace="10" >
We also have a property "vspace", which does what it sounds like, add vertical spacing. But it doesn't seem to work on GitHub, unlike VSCode's buit in markdown viewer. So probably just add a <p>
tag in between.
<img src="https://picsum.photos/500/100" >
<img src="https://picsum.photos/500/100" >
<img src="https://picsum.photos/500/100" >
To add video you need to upload your video file and reference it inline
Tip via this tweet. Swap out images based on theme settings
Here is a simple footnote1. With some additional text after it.
Here is a simple footnote[^1]. With some additional text after it.
[^1]: My reference.
text with line through it
~~text with line through it~~
Normal text here.
Tiny text is here. Awwwww its so cuteeeeeeeeeee
<sup><sub>Add your tiny text</sub></sup>
Add a box with contents to markdown
<div align="center">
<td align="center">
<img width="2000" height="0"><br>
<sub>This is text in the box. Much wow</sub><br>
<img width="2000" height="0">
Collapsing large blocks of text can make your markdown much easier to digest
<summary>"Click to expand"</summary>
this is hidden
Collapsing large blocks of Markdown text
<summary>To make sure markdown is rendered correctly in the collapsed section...</summary>
1. Put an **empty line** after the `<summary>` block.
2. *Insert your markdown syntax*
3. Put an **empty line** before the `</details>` tag
You can add fancy zoomable charts
%%{ init: { "er" : { "layoutDirection" : "LR" } } }%%
User ||--o{ Vote : submits
Vote o{--|| Link : on
Link o{--|| Score : has
Here's another cool example of a sequence diagram
actor Extension
participant API
participant Database
Extension->>API: POST /vote {link, vote, user_id}`
activate API
API->>API: Validate parameters
alt Invalid parameters
API->>Extension: Error: Invalid parameters
API->>Database: Check user history & settings. GetBatchItems(___________)
Note over API,Database: Voting disabled? GetItem(PK=settings, SK=settings)
Note over API,Database: Too many votes? GetItem(PK=date, SK=user_id)
Note over API,Database: User exists? User banned? GetItem(PK=user_id, SK=user_id)
Note over API,Database: Already voted? GetItem(PK=link, SK=user_id)
activate Database
alt Database Error
Database->>API: Database Error (connection / server...)
API->>Extension: Server Error
Database->>API: Return UserHistory & Settings
deactivate Database
API->>API: Check user history & Settings
alt Failed
API->>Extension: 403 Forbidden: Too many votes / banned / voting disabled
activate Database
API->>Database: Submit vote. BatchWriteItems(_________________)
alt If user does not exist
Note over API,Database: Put(PK=user_id, SK=user_id | not_banned,created_at)
Note over API,Database: <run [First time user voting on link]>
else First time user voting on link
Note over API,Database: Put(PK=link, SK=user_id | vote)
Note over API,Database: Update(PK=link, SK=link | count_of_votes++, sum_of_votes+=vote)
Note over API,Database: -- Add history
Note over API,Database: Update(PK=day, SK=link | count++, sum+=vote)
Note over API,Database: Update(PK=day, SK=user | count++, sum+=vote)
else If user already voted on link
Note over API,Database: Put(PK=link, SK=user_id | vote)
Note over API,Database: Update(PK=link, SK=link | sum_of_votes+=(-old_vote+new_vote))
Note over API,Database: -- Undo old history
Note over API,Database: Update(PK=old_day, SK=link | count--, sum-=old_vote)
Note over API,Database: Update(PK=old_day, SK=user | count--, sum-=old_vote)
Note over API,Database: -- Add history
Note over API,Database: Update(PK=day, SK=link | count++, sum+=vote)
Note over API,Database: Update(PK=day, SK=user | count++, sum+=vote)
activate Database
alt Database Error
Database->>API: Database Error (connection / server...)
API->>Extension: Server Error
Database->>API: Return success
API->>Extension: Return success
deactivate Database
deactivate API
Add call outs in markdown
Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
Optional information to help a user be more successful.
Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
Negative potential consequences of an action.
> [!NOTE]
> Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
> [!TIP]
> Optional information to help a user be more successful.
> Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
> Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
> Negative potential consequences of an action.
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<div align="center">
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For whatever reason the graphql
syntax will nicely highlight file trees like below:
# Code & components for pages
├─ src/assets - # Minified images, fonts, icon files
├─ src/components - # Individual smaller components
├─ src/fragments - # Larger chunks of a page composed of multiple components
├─ src/layouts - # Page layouts used for different types of pages composed of components and fragments
├─ src/page - # Custom pages or pages composed of layouts with hardcoded data components, fragments, & layouts
├─ src/pages/* - # Next.js file based routing
│ ├─ _app.js - # next.js app entry point
│ ├─ _document.js - # next.js document wrapper
│ ├─ global.css - # Global CSS styles
│ └─ Everything else... - # File based routing
└─ src/utils - # Utility functions used in various places
Use HTML/CSS in a readme via an SVG! source
The above image is embedded like so:
<div align="center">
<a href="https://github.com/DavidWells/advanced-markdown/blame/master/svg-with-css.svg">
<img alt="Click to see the source" height="400" src="svg-with-css.svg" width="800" />
YAML front-matter is your friend. You can keep metadata in markdown files
title: Serverless Framework Documentation
description: "Great F'in docs!"
menuText: Docs
layout: Doc
Useful for rendering markdown in HTML/React
Monodraw - Flow charts for days
Kap - Make gifs
Stuck on WordPress? Try easy-markdown plugin
Serverless.com is comprised of 3 separate repositories
Why multiple repos?
npm script pulls the content together & processes them for site buildA single repo is easier to manage but harder for people to find/edit/PR content.
Example footnote ↩